Welcome! I’m an RN in emergency nursing, currently working in direct patient care. Since finishing my PhD I have been researching nursing regulations, comparing how different US states and countries regulate the nursing profession.
Enjoy the website – Doug
Nursing: Scope Of Practice
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Nursing: Moving Forward
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Nursing Scope Of Practice In The Arab Gulf
Here’s an interview UCSF did of my work at San Quentin
Just for Fun: Tomales Point Tidepool Hike April 30, 2021
Disclaimer: This is a personal website. All opinions are my own and it should not be inferred that they are the opinions of the organizations that I have worked with or are associated with. The information is accurate to the best of my knowledge, but any mistakes are my own. Note that, with a few rare exceptions, my family and friends are not included. This is done for their privacy and security, and their absence here is not because I do not appreciate them.